4G15T ECU Files

Sakura Doppelgewinn - Aktion im April 2024 - alles weitere im Gewinnspiel - Thread.
Das nächste Treffen: MAD auf der Retro-Classics 2024 in Stuttgart
Alle Infos auf der Webseite der RETRO CLASSICS in Stuttgart vom 25. - 28. April 2024
  • Hello everyone,

    I am new here in this forum and I can't speak german very well so I'll speak english.

    Currently working on a car prototype using the 4G15T Engine, I am looking for the ECU files and programms of this Engine. And also, who are the manufacturers that make that Engine ? Because I know Mitsubishi gave the blueprints to some manufacturers to make them (for example DAE, a chinese manufacturer).

    Thank you !

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