De Cordia Cabriolet inn Restauration

Sakura Doppelgewinn - Aktion im April 2024 - alles weitere im Gewinnspiel - Thread.
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  • Hello

    I'am 11 years the owner from the Cordia Convertible.
    I have now the space to make the car complete new.
    The body is very rusty and some details are very poor.
    I have all the parts who I need to complete this job.
    When I finished? I don't know.

    I will made the just like the photo from the carshow in 1985. I buy the wheels in Roemenia and the Turbo decal from the Ebay site in Australia.

    There is one green convertible in Germany, is it a member??

    Enjoy the photo's, when you have more information about the convertible? let me know it.
    Vestatec build 39 Cordia's in Convertible's? is that number wright? where are the cars?

    Karosserieform: Cabriolet
    Motorvariante: 1.8L Turbo i

  • Wow. I never seen that before. I don't think we have a member with a cordia like that. I would have recognized that. ;)

    There were 39 of them you say in 1985. I guess there is not much left, thanks to rust.

    good luck with that car. it's definitely worth the stress and ballache.

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